Check Availability
Booking Policy
- Check-In is after 4:00 PM and Check-Out is before 11:00 AM
All rates are subject to 11% tax (6% MD, 5% County) and 4% service fee
- All prices are based on double occupancy
- Children 12 and under stay free in room with parents
- Each additional person is $20.00 per person per night
- Weekend consists of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
- Holiday Weekends & Special Holidays may require a 3-night minimum stay
- A single nights deposit is required to confirm a reservation, balance is due upon arrival
- Reservations are subject to Management Approval
- Rates valid for advance reservations only, walk-in rates may vary considerably
- Cancellation policy is 3 days (72 hrs) prior to check-in.
- First night is non-refundable if the reservation is not canceled 3 days (72 hrs) prior to check-in.
- No Refunds after Check-In, Early Departures, or Inclement Weather
- No Personal Checks accepted at Check-In
- Checks or Money Orders accepted for deposit only 3 weeks prior to your scheduled arrival date
- Cash, Visa, MasterCard, are accepted at Check-In
- Security Deposit may be required
- We do not accept third party credit cards
- The persons name who is on the credit the card must be present at Check-In with valid photo ID
Pet Policy
- Dogs are welcome in designated rooms only.
- Please call the hotel directly if you require a pet friendly room as these rooms cannot always be booked online.
- Pet fee $35.00 per pet, per night, (please call for any restrictions)
- Pets are never allowed in a non-pet room.
- Pets found in a non-pet room will result in an additional charge of up to a $250.
- You will be responsible for any and all damages to the room.
- If you have a furry friend other than a dog, please call the office to discuss.
- Pets may NOT be left unattended in the guest rooms at any time.
- Please bring baggies to clean up after your pets! We respect all other guests and don’t want messy accidents. (Baggies also available on property)
- All dogs, regardless of size or breed, must be on a leash while on hotel grounds.
- As the pet owner, you assume all responsibility for your dog, its actions, as well as the contents of your room.